Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Waning Moon

The Full Moon has come and gone once again and now it wanes. This is the time to push negativity out of your life knowing that the Universe is giving you extra strength to succeed in doing so. The Waning Moon is an excellent time to "banish and reject" such things as negative influences, negative emotions and thoughts, bad habits and diseases. Take the time out to figure what needs to be done to take control. Purification and protection for the home and body are best done during this time as well.

During this Waning Moon, I'll be upping my chlorophyll intake by eating more greens (and continuing with my wheatgrass juice). Chlorophyll is extremely purifying and helps rid the body of toxins. I'll also be making sure I get enough purifying Sun! I've been lacking in that department lately, especially with the dreary weather. I should start meditating and doing yoga outside in the sunlight.

I need to finally clean out the car as well (even though I'm not the one who messed it up)! So along with the house and my body, I'll be purifying and protecting the car too.

1 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Great information. I have been cleaning the house out which I do every time the season gets close to changing.