Monday, August 11, 2008

The other day I received my string and net produce bags from I must say they are very neat and stylish. The string bags stretch extremely well, even the teenage guy who helped bag my groceries commented on it. It feels really good to cut down on plastic bag use! I have 5 of the black string bags and 4 of the large net produce bags. I think my aura just got a little brighter!

Here is a photo I snapped of one of the bags:

click photo to enlarge
If enlarged, you can see one of the net produce bags in there. Also, way more can fit in the bag!

2 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Very cool! That looks really neat and you can see what is in the bag. I only see the canvas type ones at the store.

  2. Lunar Earth Mama said...

    Reusable Bags sells the canvas bags too but I really like the concept and look (see-through) of the string ones. And in black I think they really look sleek.