Friday, August 15, 2008

PlayStation 3 Les Paul Wireless Guitar

I'm psyched! I happened upon the Lightening Deals in's Gold Box Deals and snatched up a wireless guitar for the Guitar Hero PS3 games for only $25!!! Amazon originally sells it for $59.99.

I had thought I missed out on the deal because at first it said it was 100% claimed, but then the next time I looked on the Gold Box page the percentage was in the 70's so I'm guessing they allowed more people to buy it up! Yay for me! Or rather 'yay' for my son because I'm going to hide it until his first day of school so he can have a "first day of school" present to make him feel special. I got the idea from one of the nice ladies at Carolina Momma who I happened to be a secret friend for (sending gifts without her knowing who it was from--too fun!!). When I thought about the idea, I realized it was a really cute thing to do for a child starting a new grade (and in my son's situation, also a new school).

I'm so glad this deal came along! Not too bad of a gift for my son for just $25! Love it! Thanks Universe!

3 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    That is so AWESOME! I also do first day of school stuff sometimes. Great idea. Great deal!

  2. ~amber~ said...

    That is a great deal! We love our wireless guitar. Such a nice momma to get her son a gift like that. I am sure he will appreciate it, especially with the newness of starting a new school/grade.

  3. Lunar Earth Mama said...

    Thanks! I'm excited for him!