Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Snagged a Wii Fit

I finally was able to order a Wii Fit just now! Looking back though, it hasn't been long at all since I've made it a mission to get one. But since I wanted one so badly, every day seemed to be filled with long anticipation of my cell ringing with a Wii Fit Alert!

And I finally received an alert today! Amazon had it in stock - and now it's back out of stock in a flash (what a shocker), but I snagged one up in time!

I actually had to hurry up and cancel a Wii Fit Bundle order I made from New Egg late last night. Fortunately, the cancellation was accepted and went through really quick. I'm glad I managed to buy just the Wii Fit without a bundle package. I'd rather spend less money ($89.99) than more ($149.99)!

I am so excited about getting a Wii Fit! Oh yeah, we decided NOT to save the Wii for the holidays but concentrate on buying more games for it during that time, haha!

For those looking how to get those convenient cell text alerts, Amazon has a form right on their Wii product page here. And for the Wii Fit, I went to WiiAlerts and signed up to get alerted for the specific product and specific stores that get it in stock. It works!

4 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Ohhh Good for you! I did get an alert that they had the Wiis in stock however I do not have the money YET!
    Then I will go after a Wii Fit.
    I do not blame you for not waiting for the holidays it will be to much fun!

  2. Liz said...

    Congrats on the Wii system purchase!! Let me know if you like the Wii Fit!! I've been thinking about getting a wii system too!

  3. Lunar Earth Mama said...

    I'll definitely post my thoughts about the Wii Fit! I'm so excited! I'm anticipating Halloween-time even more so because that Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum game is suppose to be delivered around that time (if the release date stays true).

  4. ~amber~ said...

    So have you tried it yet?