Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dreaming of this bed...

Oh, the wonderful dreams that could be dreamed sleeping on this bed...

Manifesting time!

3 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Oh! What a beautiful bed! I'd love to curl up with a book on a rainy day and sink into that comfy bed!


  2. Anonymous said...

    Great bed. I think if I got a bed like that it would be more for a library so you can curl up and read on it.

  3. Lunar Earth Mama said...

    Thanks ladies. I can't afford a library lol, so I have to make stuff have more than one purpose. I like doing that though, makes things more special. A bed that you want to hang out on and not just sleep on is what I'm going for. I am really wishing for this bed! I'm trying to transform my bedroom into one cool room.