Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wheatgrass and Flowers

My wheatgrass is growing beautifully! I think it may soon be time to start another tray up so I will have a continuous supply without having to wait. Check out the lovely Green Sunshine below:

click photo to enlarge

I also took photos of more flowers around the house today:

click photo to enlarge
This is growing in the backyard (we have a tree of it in our front yard). This is called "Pink Velour" Crape Myrtle. The petals are known for looking like tissue paper. If you enlarge the photo by clicking on it, you will see the center better. It's not opened all the way yet but this stage made a neat photo opportunity. Weird but cool huh?

click photo to enlarge
I don't know the name of this but they are growing up from the green and white grass bunches that are all around the house. I didn't even know they made this purple thing until Gavin pointed it out to me. I thought they were just little boring grass bunches and nothing else, so I was surprised to see they made interesting pretty purple clusters. I have no idea if each purple thing is going to open up and bloom or if they are stamens. *Edited: This is Variegated Lily Turf Grass.

click photos to enlarge
This is the Lantana plant we bought from Lowe's. We have 3 hanging baskets of these, though 2 are currently on the ground on the side of the house so they can get better sunlight. I think the stamens of these are so very interesting! And I didn't really notice until today what exactly it looked like so close up. They look like little bowtie or butterfly pillows! I am starting to wonder if I like the sexual organs of flowers more than I like the petals!!!

click photos to enlarge
I believe this is ragwort. That bug was cool, I was a little nervous getting close to take a photo and I think he was too at first. He flew to me to check me out as if to say, "And you are?!" and then he flew back to the flower! I am proud of myself for not freaking out.

In the second photo, look at the immature green one. It looks like a planet.

With this last set of photos, I feel really bad for not giving these little flowers any credit. They are on the side and front of the house. When I first saw them, I didn't think much because they are so little and low to the ground. But now since I've taken a good close look, I think they are really special! I have no idea what type of flower this is. I believe these are Dianthus.

click photos to enlarge

1 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Beautiful! Wheatgrass and all.