Friday, August 22, 2008

Green Tea Mega Boost

I really enjoy using matcha, whole green tea in a fine powdered form. I usually use it as a superfood boost to my recipes. Recently I've been making Green Tea Vanilla Milkshakes. So delicious and creamy!

Yum! It has fresh vanilla beans in it too!

Green tea has amazing benefits, but matcha is the whole form of it, so you are getting so much more of the benefits compared to straining and discarding the leaves. Studies show that matcha contains nearly 10 times the polyphenols and antioxidants of regular teas, twice the amount of antioxidants of red wine, 9 times the beta-carotene of spinach, and 4 times the amount of beta-carotene in carrots! Amazing! It makes you wonder why more people don't choose to consume green tea in the whole powdered form. Pass this information along!

I buy my matcha from - I think the prices are fair and the shipping is fast. I still have some oolong (or wulong) tea that I bought from them as well that I still need to try. Oolong is suppose to be great for the metabolism. I'll post more about that once I've tried it.

What a gorgeous green hue! It radiates health! Click image for website.

Since I've gotten highly into matcha, I recently ordered some green tea seeds to grow my very own green tea plants. I have this vision in my head of me simply taking off fresh green tea leaves from my own personal plants to drop into my blender concoctions and life being oh so green tea great.

I was surprised at the size of the seeds. I guess I was expecting something smaller and dainty. That paper is a regular sized computer sheet. But reading up more on green tea, I discovered they actually grow into trees, but farmers keep them trimmed small. In the wild they can grow up to 20 to 65 feet. I think it would be awfully neat to have a green tea tree. Let's see if I can make it happen with at least one of the seeds!

3 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Very cool. Those seeds are HUGE!! Good Luck growing a tree that will be very neat to watch it grow through your blog.

  2. Brian Baine said...

    A green tea vanilla milkshake sounds very tasty.

  3. Chandira said...

    That's an interesting idea! :-)
    Not sure I've got room for a whole tree in my garden though.. lol