Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cutest Witch in the Neighborhood?

This is my outfit for Halloween (Samhain)! It's one of those Indian wrap skirts that you can wear in an unimaginable number of ways - as skirts and dresses and even as capes. I've gathered up a collection of them, all very beautiful, but this is the one that screams HALLOWEEN! Screams - get it?!

Above is the way I'll wear it for Samhain, including a Witch's hat (but of course!).

I will always and forever love long skirts.

This way looks so Earth Mama. Love it!

As I stated before, there are so many ways to wear this, it really is amazing. These types of skirts usually have two layers of different colored fabric so you can twist and turn and flip and tie in so many styles and combinations that there is just no room for boredom!

I'll be gradually showing off my other pieces! I love them so much! And I love my husband for buying them for me!

5 bite(s) of mango :

  1. Anonymous said...

    OMG! SO cute and sexy. You are going to look amazing.

    Darn! Now I am really wanting that, it is even my favorite color (orange!)

  2. Lunar Earth Mama said...


    I get them off eBay (yes, eBay again lol). I've won them ranging in price from about $10 to $25, the latter being the Buy It Now price. I think even the BIN price is awesome, but of course it feels great and is such a high to get it for way cheaper.

    On eBay, search for "indian silk wrap". There's lots of orange ones too! Orange is so delicious.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Those are beautiful!!!!!

  4. Liz said...

    Very cute!! It's like getting 3 outfits for the price of 1. I especially love the last way you can wear it!

  5. Lunar Earth Mama said...

    Thanks Niki and Liz! I'm so cheap when it comes to clothes and always wearing the same thing a lot, this style of dressing is up my alley to make it seem like I have more outfits than I really do! LOL

    Jaspenelle, one other note, you may have to wait a bit until more orange auctions come up, but I promise there use to be A LOT. It'll happen again! There are so many colors and styles to choose from!